Christmas is a soothing experience here on Tenerife. Not much of the consumerism to be seen here that seems to have taken over places at this time of the year. It was the first time in the course of the “deep dark _ pale blue”-project that I spent the holidays abroad; and it was truly interesting to see how things are being handled here. The complete “shut-down” of public, outside life between the 24th and 26th of December feels really weird, as, normally, the streets, cafés and shops are BUZZING with life, noise and energy. And all of the sudden, the “beehive” seems to have gone quiet. Not unlike other places, everyone gathers with family members around long, well-stocked tables (and, yes, decorated palm trees). Now everyone is back at work – including me, who spent the holidays in bed with a heavy flu. Today’s image shows Luis picking potatoes in the in the volcanic soil on the Southern slope of El Teide.